As Miran Legal, we think that specializing and acquiring meritable information makes a difference in today's world. Hence, we provide services in areas where we have adequate experience and expertise to make a difference.
Litigation, in essence, is a method of proceeding conducted before classical courts adhering to strict court rules for the resolution of a case and a dispute. However, alternative dispute resolution shall refer to the whole of solution methods with elective fields of application based on the proceeding at public courts where an independent, impartial and objective third party is enabled to communicate with the conflicting parties to find a joint solution, and to either help them resolve the dispute on their own or to offer solutions to the parties on which they can agree according to the characteristics of the concrete event. Alternative dispute resolution methods are dispute resolution methods constituting an alternative to litigation in state courts. These methods can be set forth as mediation, arbitration, extra judicial settlement/negotiation.
Preventive legal risk management and counseling constitutes significance before a legal action and a dispute are in question and before appealing to alternative means with the action. By this means, a possible dispute will be prevented and the most advantageous solution will be created for real persons and legal entities, thus saving time and cost. In the case a dispute arises, the importance of alternative dispute resolution methods accompanied by litigation emerges together with protective legal risk management and consultancy. It is imperative that the disputes in question are not only resolved but also resolved to provide the most advantageous results.
Our expert litigation and arbitration team serving within Miran Legal provides services to our clients in both national and international litigation and for alternative dispute resolution, based on their legal experience and the dynamics of the sector and region where they operate. In this context, the fields of law on which we offer services most frequently are as follows:
1. Commercial and Corporate Law2. Banking and Financial Law3. Acquisition & Merger4. Project and Finance5. Capital Markets6. Competition7. International Arbitration8. Foreign Direct Investment 9. International Trade10. Conflict Resolution11. Insurance Law12. Accounts Receivable Management (Current Page)13. Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law14. Tax Law15. Administrative law16. IT Law17. Labour and Social Security Law18. Real Estate and Construction Law19. Intellectual and Industrial Property20. Law on the Protection of Personal Data21. Sports Law22. Contract Management Service Contracts Law